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Fila NoSpot Spray Oil Stain Remover 8.5 oz

SKU: 448217-EA Categories: ,

Product Description

NOSPOT is an effective and easy to use solution for oil and grease stains. Use NOSPOT to remove stains on natural stone, concrete, terracotta, quarry tiles and more.   NOSPOT removes stubborn oil and grease stains without leaving a trace.  NOSPOT is supplied in a 250ml Aerosol can and it is produced in Italy.

  • Removes greasy and oily stains from terracotta, quarry tiles, natural stone, granite, agglomerates, tumbled marble, cobblestones, concrete and more
  • Cleans without leaving a trace

Product Attributes

Application Stain Remover
Interior Exterior Interior, Exterior
Product Size 250ml
Surfaces Concrete, Natural Stone, Masonry
Weight 0.6 lbs